This application was developed to calculate in a simple and fast way the amounts and values of banknotes in different situations of daily life such as change of change, minimum of banknotes and sum of values. The tool contains a very simple layout, but instructive and at the same time functional for the user.The first interface is the Change Calculator, which has four calculation modules that are very common in our daily lives. They are: Simple account, Diversified payment, Adding items and Minimum banknotes. With the exception of the latter, the modules have the simple objective of determining the minimum quantity of each Brazilian real banknote, whether paper or currency, for the return of change for a given commercial transaction. All modules allow the user to export the calculations made.The second interface is the Banknote Counter. In addition to performing the partial and total sum of certain amounts of banknotes and separately discriminating amounts in banknotes and coins, the tool allows the user to record these calculations performed, edit or remove them if necessary and view the total sum of all records.